Place Hierarchy

Três Corações, MG, Brasil, Top Level

Individuals @ Três Corações, MG, Brasil
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
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1 called from line 410 of file placelist.php

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INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I1639RODRIGUES, Kátia Barros
ARANTES, Kátia Barros
2I1950‎(unknown)‎, Teresa Maria de Jesus
TERESA MARIA DE JESUS,@N.N.@N.N.,TERESA MARIA DE JESUS253016290 8 November 2007 - 9:32:33pmFYESYES
Given Names

Total individuals : 2
Families @ Três Corações, MG, Brasil
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 464 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
1 called from line 411 of file placelist.php

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FAMINDINameHUSB:GIVNAgeINDINameWIFE:GIVNAgeMarriageAnniversaryPlaceChildrenLast ChangeMARRDEATTREE
1F549I1960COSTA, Manuel Borges daMANUEL BORGES DA I1954‎(unknown)‎, Ana Francisca de JesusANA FRANCISCA DE JESUS142250 YESY
2F541I1945COSTA, Manuel Rodrigues daMANUEL RODRIGUES DA I1708‎(unknown)‎, Madalena Maria de JesusMADALENA MARIA DE JESUS412390 YESY
Given Names

Total families : 2
HUSB:GIVN Given Names

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